Complete: July 18, 2008

For my next trick, I mean task, me and a fabulous group of ladies went Berry picking in lovely Santa Cruz county. I've wanted to do it for years, I'm such a sucker for berries of all kinds and can quickly consume plentiful quantities in a single sitting. I am so blessed to live in such an agricultural rich area full of all the fresh produce that I could want, and farmer's markets almost every day of the week to get the freshest of pickings. But there is also something appealing about the stained fingers and scratched arms that come with doing it yourself.

The spring was waning and our chances of finding a farm with anything exciting to pick were starting to get slim, but we pushed ahead. Ahead to the coastal farm of Swanton to pick Olallieberries on their last weekend open. The pickings were slim, literally. The berries were fairly shriveled and it took some hunting to find the ones that months of children and pie making old women had missed. There was still a scattering of people throughout the patch while we picked, anxious to get the last morsels for jams and jellies. Mine were of course mainly for eating, and I ate quite a few straight from the vine.

We picked for quite a while, and all of us seemed satisfied with our score, so we headed out. We wrapped up a fabulous local morning with lunch at the yummiest deli in Davenport and dessert at Kelly's on the west side. It was great to be out with the girls, in the sun with the ocean in sight. It is always a good day when I can be outside in my beautiful state, and I am so glad that I finally got to do this. I am even considering apple picking, because I certainly do love a good apple pie. This is definitely MISSION COMPLETE and something I will most certainly be doing again in years to come.

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