So there I was, sitting on this bar, directing fur clad ex-citizens of BRC to shuffle into some organization while buying their tickets into Decompression when this guy walks up and sticks out this bumper sticker and asks if it applies to me. I say yup, in fact, it really does, and I take it and continue on. I didn't even wait until I got home to stick it on, I put it right on top of a summer's worth of dirt on the opposite side of my bumper from my "Keep Santa Cruz Weird" sticker. I fucking love my new sticker. Why? Because well, I'm realizing I really do love me. I'm much different than anyone in my life. Most of my friends float between different groups, and I, myself, am fringe on many circles, and generally float solo and free. It actually rocks more and more as I realize the power in realizing it. If that makes sense. I'm really starting to embrace how much I rock.
Anyway, what's this mean to you? Why am I babbling on full of myself? Well, I turn 30 next year. After talking to a friend or two about the expectations to have some big landmark event, and pressuring myself for years to go to South America or some launching world travel trip '"by the time I am thirty", I have settled on something far better. 30 events, purchases, trips, or etc that I have always wanted to do, attend, or own. This gives you 30 chances to participate in my celebration, me a chance to complete a lifetime of "I wants" and a full year of memories to look back on instead of one event.
I started brainstorming about a week ago, and now on my mirror I have a list of 16 things that I want to do. All are very me and things that I have talked about wanting more than once and I am certain I can complete this next year with some minor planning. So I thought to kick off this event, and while I brainstorm to complete the list, I thought I'd see if you could guess any of the things on my all time want list. If you guess something that is on my list already OR happen to name something that really should be on my list and even I forgot I wanted it that bad, then YOU win a prize. If you happen to have talked with me about this in the past week, I have asked you already to one of the events, or you have seen my bathroom mirror list, you are not eligible to participate. What's the prize? Well, I guess it depends on what you guess. I'd like to keep it related to the event(s) you know me for. So if you happen to figure something out, maybe it's a free ticket to go with me, or a postcard back from that place. You just have to play to see now won't you?
The kickoff to this adventure will be December 8th, when
No matter how long you have been reading me, or how well you know me...i'd love to have you complete this sentence as me.
"I've always wanted...."
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